Please, send me an e-mail, which contains title and worknumber of the painting your are interested in. Also your contact data.
Gladly I will send you an individual offer.
Also, I will call you back, if you send me your phone number with your e-mail. Of course, you also could call me directly: +49 (0)6224 76 88 17
If I sell one of my original paintings, I like to meet the buyer personally.
You could visit my atelier in Leimen near to Heidelberg/Germany. We could have a nice chat and you could enjoy to see the original painting. Which is often important, in order to get the feeling for the painting.
And you could buy the painting directly from me, and take it home.
It is best to send me an e-mail. Which includes the title and article number of the art print, of the bronze figurine or of the artistic product you would like to buy.
Furthermore, I need your name and address (also the delivery address).
You will receive my detailed offer per e-mail, including my bank account number.
If you accept my offer, you send me your okay by e-mail and transfer the amount to my account. As soon as the money is credited to my account, I will pack and ship the ordered product(s) within 5 work days, including bill of delivery and invoice (stamped „Payed“), in which the VAT is indicated, also authenticity certificate where appropiate.
These art prints, printed exactly according to your wishes, are offering many interesting options. Therefore it is necessary to talk about it, on order to specify the details. So please, call me directly: +49 (0)6224 76 88 17
You could send my your phone number by e-mail . And I will call you back to talk and fix the details.
Thank you very much.
Please, get in touch
per e-mail, for more
information about
art prints on demand.
Or give me just a call.
+49 (0)6224 76 88 17
Best time to talk is
monday to thursday
in mid morning.